Friday, April 27, 2007

The Latest Recipe for a Totalitarian US

This idiot is just too stupid too be believed.

From the Toledo Blade. (As in gay maybe?)

Dan Simpson is a former diplomat from Foggy Bottom I presume?

Go on over to Misha's for the full fisking. He is brilliant on this one.

Personally I would believe that when this type of legislation should be passed there would only be a few alternatives:

Armed insurrection
Hide the good guns in backyard gun vaults (recipe to follow soon)
Secession from the Union


The Hobo

1 comment:

Michael M. Butler said...

My bet is that this guy is bugged by the recent "shall-issue" activity in his state and wants things to flop over in the more or less opposite direction.

It's tough being in Toledo, OH these days. A lot of people there are worried it's going to become the next Detroit, or that it has already.

Strauss and Howe's Fourth Turning and the notion of "remnants" over at Bill Whittle's blog might be relevant.

Or we might all be kidding ourselves and the future might be a melange of SOS and S.O.S. (same old...).

Too soon to tell.