Monday, April 2, 2007

In Search of the Hobo

The First Post

I took this pen name as a joke - Robohobo. It is a play on words that described the way I made a living, indirectly and the extensive travel around the world I did at that time. In reading the snippet I found from a quick Google search that is in the site header, it was perhaps prescient.

In the modern (post-modern?) world of political blogs, it is easy to 'bum' around and take a bite of many different points of view. I hope to continue that. Publish some links to things that resonate with me. Maybe put some of my better photos up for all to see. Explore and see if I have a voice like so many I have come to admire in the world of blogs.

I am one of those dread 'neo-cons'. The events of 9-11 stirred me to do some scholarship on the background of those who wrought such destruction on that day. I was still of the "kumbaya, why can't we all get along, they just need some understanding" mindset. That journey and search for the why's and wherefore's took me to Steven Den Beste, Bill Whittle, Wretchard and Robert Spencer. That is a short list of what I read nightly. I will be adding to the sidebar link list so you can have a reference point.

The Hobo

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