Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New from Michael Yon

There is a new dispatch from Michael Yon up at his online magazine.

Desires of the Human Heart, Part II

Go read it all. His reporting has shaped my attitudes about the US efforts in Iraq. We owe the man our support. Hit his tip jar if you can. Support real reporting from the war zone not just posting stories from the Green Zone and making believe you are a war correspondent like most of the MSM do.

Thanks, Michael, you do a man's job.


Larry said...

Dude, welcome and thanks for the interest, but please keep it civil.

Aunty Belle said...

Thanks for this info.

Unknown said...

What was your comment that was censored here:


Robohobo said...

King B-

Since you did not give a public profile I cannot answer and won't answer in the clear, here.

But, I was being a wise a$$.